Showing posts with label SSIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSIS. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Using Excel 2007 ( xlsx) in SSIS or exporting more than 65536 row in ssis

Very common scenario when there is a need to export a table having more than 65536 rows to EXCEL.  Best solution to this is use Excel 2007 (.xlsx). But the problem SSIS Excel Source or Destination does not provide support for it.

We can still connect to Excel 2007 using SSIS and export/import data.
HOW..lets see in an example

I have have table having 70,000 rows and we will pump this to an Excel file

1. The table

2. The Excel work:

Create an OleDb connection to Excel in Connection Manager
a. Use Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Provider from Provider list
b. Give Path to the xlsx file in Server or File name

c. Go to the ALL tab and give Excel 12.0 as Extended Property

3. Now use OleDB Destination (careful we are using Excel Destination here) and give Excel Connection Mgr, select the Sheet name, Map the columns and there it is.
4. Run

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Numeric gets converted to Text in Excel from SSIS

This is with reference to a question asked in MSDN forum where a User was trying to fill an Excel sheet with one the Numeric Column and field was changing to Text. 


SSIS Excel Data Source: Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page


This happens as Excel identifies data type for a column based on sampling of top few rows(8 by default) and in that sample it doeskin get correct data type.



Lets see the problem with an example I have a simple table with following structure
, [Name] VARCHAR (10)
, Salary NUMERIC (10,2)

Here ID and Salary are Integer and Numeric receptively and if we try to export them to Excel using SSIS, Excel will store the correct values but would convert them into Text as below( see the Green mark over cell)

Unforunatly there is no way that we can control or change  the format/ datatype of a column of Excel sheet form SSIS.Even if we change the datatype using Advance Editor in Excel Destination , it wont reflect the change.

So is there is solution to this, well not excatly a solution but a workaround Yes.
When Excel decide about format of cells in a column it takes sample from first few cells (other than first row-header) and keeps the same format for rest of cells down below. We can use this property of Excel and create one dummy row with the format as we are excepting for rest of the cells.

Now during actual writing of data Excel will pick the format from Dummy Row and keep it for rest of them. You can even hide Dummy Row after putting some values in it.


We can increase the sampling Rows for Excel and it can guess Correct Data Type based on given Range of Rows. Sample Range for Rows can be increased from Registry Key TypeGuessRows

Path in Registry


For 64 bit machines it may be under

You can set any values to this editable field
a) Default: 8
b) 0 will take all the rows in the Sheet -This may slow down validation if no. of rows are large.
c) Recommend is to give a value where you can be sure of having correct data type rows.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Data-dump in Dynamic Flat file with todays date

This is with reference to a question asked my an online friend regarding how can we do a daily Datadump on a flat file with a todays date as a file name.

To show that I will use an example in which we will dump a table "Student" from SQL Server database into a file with name appended with todays date and time eg. DataDump_201105101108.txt. 20110510 being the date and 11:08 as time of load.

1. Lets have a look at our table.

2. Now create a simple package with a Data Flow task which dumps data from Student to a flat file let say with Dummy.txt. SSIS is metadata oriented so at the time of creation of package you would need to have a dummy txt file so that mappings can be created.

3. Not the actual work starts. Go the Flat file Connection Managers Properties and expand Expressions.
 Choose ConnectionString as Property.

4. In Expression Builder window create a expression as
"E:\\DataDump_" + (DT_WSTR,4)DatePart("yyyy", GetDate()) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("mm", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("dd", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("hh", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("mi", GetDate()), 2) + ".txt"

5. Run the package it will create a flat file with required File name.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Can't Expand MSDB in Integration Services Server

TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (MsDtsSrvr)
"Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].  (Microsoft SQL Native Client)"

Other day one of the team here had to work on a fairly static server which has few SSIS packages installed on it. The Team wasn't able to expand MSDB node to view packages installed on the Intergration Services.
Error they were receiving was:

Steps to check if you are not able to expand MSDB in Integration Services:
1. User has permission on MSDB database as SSIS pacakges are stored in MSDB

2. Check if SQLBrowser services is running. Run > Services.msc

3. Check if TCP-IP/Named pipe are enabled for the Sever instance from SQL Server Configuration Manager

4. Windows firewall is not blocking SQL Sever access. Add SQLServer.exe or port 1433 to exceptions.

5. Find MsDtsSrvr.ini file at drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn (for 2008 find in 100\DTS\bin folder) and check for Server tag if it is <ServerName>.ServerName> (this was the case with the team here :-) )

If yes then replace "." with Servername\instance name and restart Integration Sevices.

Have fun!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Execution Tree in SSIS

I have been asked many times, the way we can see Execution Query Plan for Queries in SSMS, Can we see something similar in  SSIS too. Well YES WE CAN, it wont give you factors like I/O, CPU or SubTree Cost but will give you fair idea of path and buffers SSIS engine will create to do the DATA FLOW.

At run time Data Flow Engine divides the Data Flow Task operations into Execution Trees which demonstrate how package uses buffers and threads. These execution trees specify how buffers and threads are allocated in the package.

Each tree creates a new buffer and may execute on a different thread. When a new buffer is created such as when a partially blocking or blocking transformation is added to the pipeline, additional memory is required to handle the data transformation; however, it is important to note that each new tree may also give you additional worker thread.[TechNet]

Let's take an example to show the Execution Tree in the Data Flow Task. I will create a simple Data Flow Task and have two flows in it.

1) Direct transfer of data from SrcEmployee table to DestEmployee table.
2) SrcDepartment to DestDepartment by having one Sort Component in between to sort on DepName.

To see Execution Tree log you will have enable build-in logging and to see log entries add Log Event window from View>OtherWindows.

Now when you run package, SSIS will log an entry for User:PipelineExecutionTrees which discribes the Trees/paths SSIS has created to run the Package.


Begin Path 0 [Tree 1]
   output "OLE DB Source Output" (11); component "SrcEmployee" (1)
   input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29); component "DestEmployee" (16)
End Path 0

Begin Path 1 [Tree 2]
   output "OLE DB Source Output" (124); component "SrcDepartment" (114)
   input "Sort Input" (147); component "SortDepartment" (146)
End Path 1

Begin Path 2 [Tree 3]
   output "Sort Output" (148); component "SortDepartment" (146)
   input "OLE DB Destination Input" (142); component "DestDepartment" (129)
End Path 2

Happy Extraction and Inception!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Data from Dynamic Sheets of an Excel

This is with reference to a Question asked on the blog:
How to get data from different sheets in an Excel WorkBook  having same column names?

Basic idea to get the done is get name of all the sheets in an variable and then iterate over that variable and get data from respective Sheet.

To Demonstrate I have created an Excel sheet having 3 sheets having only one column "ColumnName"
1. Excel WorkBook

2. Now lets create the package with below variables

3. Variable QueryStmt will hold a dynamic value which would be used as SQL Command passed to Excel.
Check EvaluateAsExpression Property as True and set Expression as

4a. Next Step is to use Script Task to get all the sheet names in Variable SheetNamesList.

4b. Write below code in Script Task to get all the sheets names in SheetNamesList Variable.
Directive needed using System.Data.OleDb;
        public void Main()


            OleDbConnection con = null;

            System.Data.DataTable dt = null;

            string ExlPath = Dts.Variables["ExcelPath"].Value.ToString();


            String conStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

                "Data Source=" + ExlPath + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

            con = new OleDbConnection(conStr);


            dt = con.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);


            String[] excelSheetNames = new String[dt.Rows.Count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)


                excelSheetNames[i] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();



            Dts.Variables["SheetNameList"].Value = excelSheetNames;

            // TODO: Add your code here

            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
5  Create a For Each Loop to iterate over SheetNameList

b. Set the index to SheetName to get counter sheet name

6. Add a DATA FLOW TASK and use Excel Source to connect to the WorkBook and Set the properties as

7. Thats it.. Execute the package and get the data...


Monday, May 31, 2010

Create Custom Task in SSIS

Microsoft fitted SSIS with rich set of Tasks and Transformation that an ETL developer would need but sometime you have a requirment which you feel better done in some othere way so SSIS allows you to create Custom task and include it in SSIS.

Whenever any tricky situation comes my boss would say "Why dont you do this with Custom Task or Create package programtically" and I used to think if there is something that cant be done using existing tasks and transformation then perphaps the work doesnt worth doing with SSIS or I dont worth working on SSIS.

Well than one night( wonder why developers always have night rather than day) I thought lets do something programatically.

SSIS allows to have 5 types of custom objects
  • Custom tasks.
  • Custom connection managers
  • Custom log providers
  • Custom enumerators
  • Custom data flow components

I will create a Custom Task in this post. Most common thing when I debug a SSIS pacakage is to know the value of a variable so I created a custom task to display value of a select variable in a message box ( can do it in script task but isnt it a pain to do such a simple thing there). So lets create a "Display Variable" task.

It is best practice to create two assemblies: one for UI and anothter for actual runtime processing code.
First lets start with UI of DisplayVariable
A1. Create a Class Library project
A2. Add reference to
  1.     System.Drawing
  2.     System.Windows.Forms
  3.     Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls -- This doesnt show up in .Net tab so you can browse to C:\Windows\Assembly to add
  4.     Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Design

A3. DisplayVariableForm:
Add a Windows Form ( name as DisplayVariableForm) then add one comboBox (CmBxVariableList ) and a Button( butOK)

A4. Code for DisplayVariableFormUI.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Design;

namespace DisplayVariableUI
    public partial class DisplayVariableForm : Form
        private TaskHost vTaskHost;
        private Connections vConnection;
        const string VARIABLE_NAME = "VariableName";
        const string VARIABLE_VALUE = "VariableValue";
        public DisplayVariableForm(TaskHost taskHost, Connections connections)
            vTaskHost = taskHost;
            vConnection = connections;
        //Fill Variable combo
        private void DisplayVariableForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (Variable var in vTaskHost.Variables)
        private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            VariableName = CmBxVariableList.Text;
            VariableValue = vTaskHost.Variables[VariableName].Value.ToString();
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        //get variable name
        private string VariableName
                if (vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_NAME].GetValue(vTaskHost) != null)
                  return vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_NAME].GetValue(vTaskHost).ToString();
                return null;
                vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_NAME].SetValue(vTaskHost, value);
        //Get variable value
        private string VariableValue
                if (vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_VALUE].GetValue(vTaskHost) != null)
                  return vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_VALUE].GetValue(vTaskHost).ToString();
                return null;
                vTaskHost.Properties[VARIABLE_VALUE].SetValue(vTaskHost, value);

A5.  DisplayVariableUI.cs:

To initialize and display the user interface associated with the task we will create a class DisplayVariableUI.cs which will be inherited from interface IDtsTaskUI. When the user interface for a task is invoked, the designer calls the Initialize method, implemented by the task user interface and then provides the TaskHost and Connections collections of the task and package, respectively, as parameters. These collections are stored locally, and used subsequently in the GetView method.

The designer calls the GetView method to request the window that is displayed in SSIS Designer. The task creates an instance of the window that contains the user interface for the task, and returns the user interface to the designer for display. Typically, the TaskHost and Connections objects are provided to the window through an overloaded constructor so they can be used to configure the task.

The SSIS Designer calls the GetView method of the task UI to display the user interface for the task. The task user interface returns the Windows form from this method, and SSIS Designer shows this form as a modal dialog box.

When the form is closed, SSIS Designer examines the value of the DialogResult property of the form to determine whether the task has been modified and if these modifications should be saved. If the value of the DialogResult property is OK, the SSIS Designer calls the persistence methods of the task to save the changes; otherwise, the changes are discarded.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Design;

namespace DisplayVariableUI
    public class DisplayVariableUI : IDtsTaskUI
        private TaskHost taskHost;
        private Connections connectionService;

        public void Initialize(TaskHost taskHost, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            this.taskHost = taskHost;
            IDtsConnectionService cs = serviceProvider.GetService (typeof(IDtsConnectionService)) as IDtsConnectionService;
            this.connectionService = cs.GetConnections();

        public ContainerControl GetView()
            return new DisplayVariableForm(this.taskHost, this.connectionService);
        public void Delete(IWin32Window parentWindow)
        public void New(IWin32Window parentWindow)

A6. Now UI code is complete and we have to sign assembly with strong name so go to Properties >> Signing and sign the assembly using a StrongName.

 A7. Build DisplayVariableUI

A8. We will need public key token of DisplayVariableUI assembly in Task project. To create Public key token Open Visual Studio 2008 command prompt , browse to the project folder where strongkey should be created and type
 a. sn -p DisplayVariableUIPrivateKey.snk DisplayVariableUIPublicKey.snk

To see the Public key token
 b. sn -t DisplayVariableUIPublicKey.snk
Copy the Public Key token

Now we move to Task code with actual runtime code is written:

B1. Create a Class Library project ( DisplayVariable.cs)

B2. Add reference to
  1.     System.Windows.Forms
  2.     Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls
    -- This doesnt show up in .Net tab so you can browse to C:\Windows\Assembly to add

B3. Code for DisplayVariable.cs
 a. Apply the DtsTaskAttribute attribute to the class, this attribute provides design-time information such as the name, description, and task type of the task. we will need to specify PublicKeyToken of UI here.

 b. DisplayVariable class should inherit from Task Class and then override Base Task class DTSExecResult Execute method to show a message box cantaining Variable name and Variable value.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

namespace DisplayVariable
    DisplayName = "DisplayVariable",
    Description = "Task can display any variable from Variable List",
    RequiredProductLevel = DTSProductLevel.None,
    TaskContact = "Rahul",
    UITypeName = "DisplayVariableUI.DisplayVariableUI, DisplayVariableUI, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=6d67e5bed27edc4b"

    public class DisplayVariable: Task
        //will get Variable Name
        private string UIvariableName;
        public string VariableName
            get { return UIvariableName; }
            set { UIvariableName = value; }
        //will get variable value
        private string UIVariableValue;
        public string VariableValue
            get { return UIVariableValue; }
            set { UIVariableValue = value; }

        //override execute
        public override DTSExecResult  Execute(Connections connections, VariableDispenser variableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents componentEvents, IDTSLogging log, object transaction)
            DTSExecResult execResult = DTSExecResult.Success;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VariableName))
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No Variable Selected");
                string VarVal;
                VarVal = VariableName + "\r\n"+ "Value: " + VariableValue;
        return execResult;

 c. DtsTaskAttribute  attribute PublicKeyToken is the public key token of UI assembly that we will create in next step and this has to updated in Task assembly and rebuild.

B4. DisplayVariable Assembly has to be signed so go to Properties >> Signing and sign the assembly using a StrongName.

B5. Build the project. This will create DisplayVariable.dll in debug folder of project.

C1. Go to DisplayVariableUI project in add reference of DisplayVariable.dll and build the UI project again.

C2. Now both the dll are created and we have to add them to GAC
In Visual Studio Command prompt type
 a. For DisplayVariable.dll
    gacutil -i DisplayVariable.dll
 b. For DisplayVariableUI.dll
    gacutil -i DisplayVariableUI.dll

C3. Copy DisplayVariableUI.dll  and DisplayVariable.dll to \\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Tasks so that it can be picked up in SSIS tool box

C4. Create a new SSIS project. Go to Tools>>Choose ToolBox items..>>SSIS ControlFlow items select DisplayVariable

C5. You should be able to see DisplayVariable Task in ToolBox now.

C6. Drag it to control flow and use it

You can download entire solution from  here

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dynamic Package Configuration File in SSIS

This is in reference to an interesting problem posted on MSDB forum. It was so interesting that i though it worth a post. So here we go:

Child Package should use a Configuration file whose path is determined only at the run time of Parent Package. Package Configuration doesnt have any property which may allow it to dynamically determine path at run time and use it.
There can be many ways of solving this as suggested by other SSIS pandits but what struck to my mind first was, we can do it by using very basic tasks in SSIS. The approach is to:

In Child Package:
1. Create the Child Package as usual without bothering of Dynamic Config file and store config file to some location say E:\Configs

In Parent PackageBold
1. Get actual path of Config(which is to be used)
2. Use File System Task and copy this actual (Dynamic as I prefer to say) to the location of Child Package Config (E:\Configs)

To Demonstrate this.:
1. I Created a Child package which would access a database table using it Development config file.
2. Now I created a Parent package which will copy the dynamic config to the location at call the child package.
Now i will Run this Parent package- which will make the child package to use the dynamic Config file


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fail to save package file : class not registered


Sometime a user may encounter an error like below while creating a SSIS package from BIDS.

Error creating package


Failed to save package file "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp\tmp87.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".



To solve this try to register below DLLs by typing below commands in CMD promopt:-

regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Copy/Rename a file using File System Task in SSIS

This is a reference answer to a post on MSDN forum but is very useful

Question: While copying and renaming a file to a dynamic location through File System Task using variable throws an error

Error: Failed to lock variable "c:\test\test_200904202009.txt" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.".

How to copy and rename a file to a dynamic location using SSIS?


I will move and rename a file "test.txt" from c:\ to c:\backup with new name appended with date.

1) Create three variables

Src_File = c:\test.txt
Dest_File = test
Dest_Dir = c:\backup

2) In connection Manager create a File Connection with name as DestinationConn

3) In Expression property of DestinationConn use ConnectionString and provide following expression

@[Dest_Dir] + "\\" + @[Dest_File] + "_" + (DT_WSTR,4)DatePart("yyyy", GetDate()) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("mm", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("dd", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("hh", GetDate()), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DatePart("mi", GetDate()), 2) + ".txt"

this will set the destination path and new name for the file

4) Create a File System task and configure like :

5) Execute the package

To run the package create a file named "test.txt"  and a folder "backup"at C:\

Please leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Column length in Excel source

Here is one very common warning with using Excel in SSIS

Whenever we use Excel file in SSIS, it takes default length of each column as 255. This results in having a warning if we try to map this column with column having length less than 255. We can avoid this warning my setting column length of the Excel source.

Right click to Open Excel source in Advance editor and set lenght of the column as depicted in the figure.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Getting Daily Feed in SSIS

Many time there comes a situation when you need to use a daily feed kind of file which is copied in a fixed directory and we need to use the file for data import.

Below I will show an approach to automate the process so that SSIS package would check if the today's file is present or not and if present then do the data import.

For Example
File name format : FileNameDate (FileName03022009.xls)
Fixed Directory : D:\Abc

1.Create a Variable "FileName" This will hold the path and name of the daily feed file.

2. Use script task. specify readwrite variable as "FileName"

3. Coding
a) Configure FileName to have path and name of the daily feed file.
Dts.Variables("FileName").Value = "D:\Abc\FileName" _ & Date.Today.Month.ToString.PadLeft(2, "0"c) & Date.Today.Day.ToString.PadLeft(2, "0"c) _ & Date.Today.Year & ".xls"

b) check if file is present or not. (Fail the package if file is not present)
'check if file is present
Dim Fi As New FileInfo(CStr(Dts.Variables("FileName").Value))
If (CBool(Fi.Exists().ToString())) Then Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success Else MsgBox(CStr(Dts.Variables("FileName").Value) & " is not present") Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure End If

4) Create a Excel Connection Manager and in Expression property specify

5) Use the Excel Connection Manager in Excel source of DATA FLOW
6) Execute

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Passing variable to Child package from Parent package in SSIS

(APPLICABLE ONLY IN SSIS 2005, Use Parent Package Configuration for SSIS 2008)

Very frequent Question which looks so complicated to programmers.

Actually passing a variable value to a child package is very trivial task. We can pass on the value by configuring parent variable in package configuration but there is an easy way of achieve this and the fact lies beneath the fundamental principle of Variable Scope.

If you call a Child package then it is like a container itself and all the variables defined in above hierarchy will be accessible in the Child package.

Let me show this with an example in which I will declare a variable "ParentVar" in my parent package and call a Child package which will access "ParentVar" and display in a msgbox.

1) Parent: Create Parent Package and declare a variable "ParentVar"

2) Child: Create a Child package and use a script task and define readonly variable as ParentVar

3) Child: Now in Script you can use ParentVar like any other I am using to display it in a msgbox. I would suggest to create another child package variable and assign Parent package variable value to it and use it in the child package variable through out the package.

4) Child: Whole Child package will look like

5) Parent: Now in parent package call the child package through Execute Package task.
The Parent package will look like

6) Result: Execute Parent will in turn call child package and it will display msgbox

Here was a simple method to use parent package variable in Child package.

Google Dataset Search

Google's Vision statement  is “ to provide access to the world's information in one click. ” Google’s mission Statement is “ ...