Monday, August 30, 2010

Script Out Database objects using PowerShell

PowerShell is a very powerful tool and sometimes provide an amazing way for accomplishing which otherwise would have taken lot of effort and time.. One such scenario I had recently when I had to script out few stored procedure from my SQL Sever Database. There we go.. Below I will explain how we can script out Database Objects using PowerShell.

Lets get rolling and start PowerShell-  We start PowerShell directly from SSMS by Right clicking any node and select Start PowerShell. It will open PowerShell connected to your Server

I will script Stored Procedures from the Database and I will show various options of doing that.
First let get down to Stored Procedures

1. First thing first .. let try to display our Stored Procedure on Screen
gci *uspGetAllNodes* | %{$_.Script()}

2. Displaying it on Screen doesnt help much, lets Sript-Out this in a file
gci *uspGetAllNodes* | %{$_.Script()} | Out-File c:\Scripts\uspGetAllNodes.sql

3. Thats cool we can get one Stored Procedure, how about getting all the StoredProcedures
gci  | %{$_.Script()} | Out-File c:\Scripts\AllStoredProcs.txt

4. Great, but what if I have few Stored procedures to extract and I dont what to run the script again and again.
Use an Array Variable.
$SPNameList = @("uspGetAllNodes", "uspGetAllPaths")
FOREACH ( $SP in $SPNameList)
gci *$SP* | %{$_.Script()} | out-file c:\Scripts\$SP.sql

5. OutPut Directory


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Data from Dynamic Sheets of an Excel

This is with reference to a Question asked on the blog:
How to get data from different sheets in an Excel WorkBook  having same column names?

Basic idea to get the done is get name of all the sheets in an variable and then iterate over that variable and get data from respective Sheet.

To Demonstrate I have created an Excel sheet having 3 sheets having only one column "ColumnName"
1. Excel WorkBook

2. Now lets create the package with below variables

3. Variable QueryStmt will hold a dynamic value which would be used as SQL Command passed to Excel.
Check EvaluateAsExpression Property as True and set Expression as

4a. Next Step is to use Script Task to get all the sheet names in Variable SheetNamesList.

4b. Write below code in Script Task to get all the sheets names in SheetNamesList Variable.
Directive needed using System.Data.OleDb;
        public void Main()


            OleDbConnection con = null;

            System.Data.DataTable dt = null;

            string ExlPath = Dts.Variables["ExcelPath"].Value.ToString();


            String conStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

                "Data Source=" + ExlPath + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

            con = new OleDbConnection(conStr);


            dt = con.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);


            String[] excelSheetNames = new String[dt.Rows.Count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)


                excelSheetNames[i] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();



            Dts.Variables["SheetNameList"].Value = excelSheetNames;

            // TODO: Add your code here

            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
5  Create a For Each Loop to iterate over SheetNameList

b. Set the index to SheetName to get counter sheet name

6. Add a DATA FLOW TASK and use Excel Source to connect to the WorkBook and Set the properties as

7. Thats it.. Execute the package and get the data...


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drop-Down/ComboBox Sorting in SSRS

For Dynamic Sorting SSRS has Interactive Sorting  which enables a sorting button on the Tablix Column and user can sort on desired Column but many time user wants to have Drop-Down or Combo Box listing columns and wish to chose the sorting column from there.. Something like

Okay , this is not built-in feature of SSRS but we can certainly work around and provide that feature... I will take a simple example to demonstrate that: I will create a Simple Student table and provide drop down sorting on the columns in the table.
So Lets get started 
1. Create a Student table

2. Create a SSRS project and create a Shared DataSource linking our Database

3. Create a simple report having columns from Student table

4. Report would look like.

5a. Now lets start our work and create a parameter SortBy

5b. Specify Available values as Column name from the Student table and assign values to them

6. Go to Tablix Properties> Sorting

7.Add a sorting Option and in Column tab give expression as

8. Run the report and chose the SortBy column from Drop-Down
a. By Name

b.By Marks

Cheers-Have fun!!
Rahul Sherawat

Google Dataset Search

Google's Vision statement  is “ to provide access to the world's information in one click. ” Google’s mission Statement is “ ...